This article is created to help you get started with VisualPBX.
By following the steps below you will get VisualPBX installed and configured in few minutes, and you will get some basic knowledge about VisualPBX so you can explore it further on your own.

Remember, VisualPBX is very powerful platform, there are much more than the the scope of the text below.
This is just to get you started, the fist 5% of its capabilities ;).

VisualPBX instalation

The simplest way to install VisualPBX is to follow these instructions:

  1. Download the ISO from our web site:
  2. Burn the ISO file to a DVD, or simply use virtual machine (VirtualBox or similar) to run the ISO file.
    We recommend installation on VirtualBox or similar virtualization solution. In case you want to install on dedicate PC, make sure to do the backup first.
  3. Run the ISO and install VisualPBX. The installer will begin with a prompt to select the installation type.
    We recommend option selected by default.
    VisualPBX installation
    During the installation process you will be asked some typical questions like the time zone and root password for the machine.
    Just follow on screen instructions and VisualPBX will be installed in few minutes.
  4. After installation the system will reboot and the root login prompt will be presented together with the IP of the VisualPBX GUI.
  5. To access VisualPBX GUI direct your web browser to the VisualPBX IP.
    Default Log-in parameters are:
    Username: admin
    Password: admin
    VisualPBX login
    You can use any popular web browser to access VisualPBX GUI but we recommend Google Chrome.

Create SIP extensions

The simplest way to do this is to follow these instructions:

  1. Open VisualPBX configuration view by clicking on the Configuration option in the top navigation.
    This is the place where all VisualPBX objects should be created and configured.
  2. Drag and drop Extension block from the left blocks palette to the central area (working area), and then double click it to open its properties.
  3. In the Properties window, positioned at the right side of the screen, enter Extension number (100 for example) and Secret (100 for example).
  4. Repeat this and create one more extension (200, 200).
  5. Then deploy it to the VisualPBX by clicking on the Apply changes button at Floating toolbar positioned at the top right side of the working area.
    VisualPBX configuration
    That’s it, you are done.

    Two SIP extensions are configured and you can do calls between the two.
    Don’t forget to register SIP phones (using their own GUI) in order to make calls.

    Of course, there are many more features available to fine tune behavior of these extensions, and it is all available in the Properties window for each extension, but essentially this is enough to start using the extensions.

    Note: Each option at Properties windows has its own tooltip – just position the cursor over the field label and the help will appear.

    Experiment with Extensions, Queues, Conferences, Trunks, and configure the PBX you wish.
    Play with it, have a fun!

Create simple IVR

For the purpose of this demo let’s say we want to create a call flow where calls from any extension will go to the IVR with three options and each option will playback different prompt and then ring all extensions.

Let’s configure this in VisualPBX.

  1. Open VisualPBX routes view by clicking on the Routes option in the Top navigation.
    This is the place where all the calls routing logic should be created.
  2. Add the Extension origin block to the Working area, and then double click it to open its properties.
    Origin blocks are used to start call flows. In other words, origin blocks define how call is routed just after the call enters PBX or in case the call is initiated from an extension.
  3. In the properties window select Any Extension in the Calls from drop down and Any Extension in the Extension/DialPattern drop down.
    This instructs VisualPBX that this branch will handle all calls from all extension in case the dialed number is valid VisualPBX extension (100 or 200 in this case).
  4. Add the IVR/Playback block to the working area and open its properties.
    Branch blocks are used to define how calls are branched in VisualPBX.
  5. In the properties window insert some friendly name for the IVR Name, select prompt for the IVR prompt, end enter number 1 for the DTMF pattern. Then click on the “+” button twice to add two more options in the IVR and enter number 2 and number 3 consequently in newly added fields.
  6. Connect Extension origin output port (green) and IVR/Playback input port (blue).
    VisualPBX routing
  7. For each IVR/Playback output port (three green ports) add one IVR/Playback block that will be used just to playback voice prompt. And for each one of those enter IVR Name, select IVR prompt and make sure to uncheck Collect DTMF checkbox.
  8. Add Extension destination block and configure it to have All Extensions for Extension/Group drop down and Ring All for Ring Strategy.
    Destination blocks are used to end call flow or to route call outside the PBX.
  9. Connect blocks as presented on the screenshot and deploy with Apply changes button.

    VisualPBX routing view, more details

    That’s it, you are done.
    Try this IVR by calling one extension from another and hear how your IVR works.

    There are many more options you can use.
    In case you are not sure what the field is about, just position the cursor over the field label and the help will appear.
    Play with it and have a fun!

What’s next

This is just a simple configuration to help you get started, but there is much much more.
Try other properties and other routing options, especially with Routing blocks.
Try other configuration objects like Queues, Conferencing rooms, Trunks and other routing blocks like Time Branching, Queue Destination etc.
Here are just some of the things you can do with VisualPBX:

  • Inbound and Outbound routing
  • Multi-level IVR
  • Automatic Trunk Failover
  • Ring Groups
  • Call Parking, Forwarding, Recording
  • Time/date Routing
  • Shared and Personal Conference Rooms
  • ACD / Call Queues
  • and much more…