SSH issue – How to connect Raspbian with Visual Dialplan

Here are the steps:

1) modify /etc/ssh/sshd_config
vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

2)add these lines to the end of the file:
Ciphers aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-gcm@openssh.com,aes256-gcm@openssh.com,chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com,blowfish-cbc,aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,cast128-cbc,arcfour,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc
KexAlgorithms curve25519-sha256@libssh.org,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

3) Save file

4) Restart ssh deamon
service ssh restart

Then you can connect to a Raspbian with Visual Dialplan.

What is Visual Dialplan?

Visual Dialplan for Asterisk is next generation Asterisk dialplan development platform.

It comes with drag-and-drop visual modeling environment and large component library, handy dialplan samples, powerful validation engine, and one-button deployment functionality. It even learns about your Asterisk server configuration, pre-populates library components with configuration data and accomodates its behavior accordingly.

Visual Dialplan enables Asterisk users to create complex dialplans in a convenient, intuitive and natural way using comfort of a modern Rapid Application Development environment without sacrificing functionality of Asterisk dialplan.

What Asterisk distributions are supported by Visual Dialplan?

Visual Dialplan supports all major Asterisk distributions – Elastix, PBX In Flash, Asterisk NOW etc.

Why should I use Visual Dialplan?

Simply because this is the easiest and fastest way to create Asterisk dialplan.
You do not need to have Asterisk dialplan development experience to create large and complex dialplans. Simply drag, drop and connect components to create the dialplan.

In addition, with Visual Dialplan you will visualize your Asterisk dialplan, share your dialplans easily, deploy it with a single button click, create new dialplans in a minutes using included samples and visual tools, and easily maintain complex and large dialplan using comfort of a modern Rapid Application Development platform.

Who should use Visual Dialplan?

Although everyone involved with Asterisk dialplan development and maintenance will benefit from using Visual Dialplan we had in mind the following users when creating Visual Dialplan:

Asterisk dialplan developers

  • Visualize Asterisk dialplan and never write a line of code anymore. Simply drag, drop and connect dialplan blocks to make company IVR, Call Center queues, inbound and outbound call flows, voicemail boxes, conferencing etc.
  • Use included samples (templates) to create dialplan in minutes. Visual Dialplan makes dialplan development easy and fun, no need to have Asterisk dialplan experience to create large dialplans.
  • Create complex dialplans in a convenient, intuitive and natural way using comfort of a modern Rapid Application Development platform without sacrificing functionality and capability of Asterisk dialplan.

Asterisk consultants and professionals

  • Easily maintain and manage complex and large dialplans.

Asterisk management and GUI vendors

  • Enhance your Asterisk based solution by plugging in Visual Dialplan and providing innovative dialplan management solution to your customers.
What are the system requirements?

Visual Dialplan is available for Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems.

Visual Dialplan requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6.0 which is included within the Visual Dialplan download package and should not be downloaded and installed separately.

How can I try Visual Dialplan, do you have a free trial version?

Fully functional free of charge trial version of Visual Dialplan is available for download. Simply follow the link below and download Visual Dialplan.

Download Visual Dialplan

What is the free trial version limitation?

Trial version is full functional version of Visual Dialplan with no functional limitations.
The only limitation is the number of dial plan savings, but this limit is set to high number so you can try Visual Dialplan and develop basic dial plan without reaching the limit.

If you have reached the limit but are still not familiar with the product, you can start new dial plan and the trial limit will be reset.

How application licensing works?

A Registration Code issued to you by Apstel, after the purchase, is required to use the Software in a non-trial mode.

When Visual Dialplan Professional is registered on a personal computer, the registration code is tied to the personal computer Network Interface Card (NIC).
When Asterisk Server is registered in Visual Dialplan Professional, the registration code is tied to the Asterisk Server definition.

Visual Dialplan Professional license allows software installation at two personal computers and registration of two Asterisks servers, one for development purpose and the other for production purpose.

In case you need to change or replace already registered Asterisk server you can release the license associated with registered Asterisk server and then reuse the same license to register new Asterisk server (hardware replacement, Asterisk server replacement etc.). The server license release can be done easily with a single press of a button within the Visual Dialplan Professional.

In case you need to change or replace the desktop where you installed Visual Dialplan Professional due to the hardware failures, upgrade to new hardware or similar, you can contact us at support@apstel.com and we’ll release the license associated with old/broken hardware so you can reuse the same license with your new hardware.

In case you use Visual Dialplan Professional and need to manage more than two Asterisk servers or to use the software at more than two personal computers you may purchase additional server or desktop license priced at $50 per additional license.

What about importing existing dialplan code and presenting it graphically?

Current version does not support dialplan import functionality.

Although import functionality is not implemented at this moment, there are other functionalities that are implemented and that you may find useful to include dial plan developed with Visual Dialplan to your existing extensions.conf or to move your extensions.conf code to Visual Dialplan.

1. If you want to include dial plan developed with Visual Dialplan to your existing extensions.conf you will probably benefit from using include statement.

Simply add include statement in your existing extensions.conf to include the file developed with Visual Dialplan. For example, if you want to name the file developed with Visual Dialplan ‘extensions-apstel.conf’ you will need to:
– rename the output file at preferences dialog (default is extensions.conf but you can rename it to whatever you want, rename it to extensions-apstel.conf)
– add include statement into your existing extensions.conf to include newly created extensions-apstel.conf file
– develop and deploy extensions-apstel.conf file using Visual Dialplan

This way your existing extensions.conf file will not be changed and you’ll work with extensions-apstel.conf file only.

2. Second approach is to move your complete extensions.conf code to Visual Dialplan.
If you want to do that you will probably benefit the most from Include functionality and Custom component.

With Include functionality you can include existing traditional asterisk dialplan code or part of the existing traditional Asterisk dialplan code into Visual Dialplan and keep maintaining that part of the dialplan separately from the Visual Dialplan, in a traditional manner. This functionality can be very useful if you have structurally developed Asterisk dialplan code because you can include those modules/parts of the code into Visual Dialplan and continue further development in Visual Dialplan leveraging existing modules you already have.

You may also find useful Custom Component (available in Visual Dialplan Professional version, listed under General sheet) that will allow you to write or reuse already developed traditional Asterisk dialplan code and to keep that code inside the Visual Dialplan graphical digram within the Custom Component.

Why do I not see the Asterisk server configuration data although I configured the connection to the Asterisk server properly?

You probably did not configure connection to your Asterisk server properly, or you didn’t check Asterisk config View within Visual Dialplan where the configuration data is presented. Check it both – open Preferences window and test connection to your Asterisk server, and then open Asterisk config view to see the configuration.

After you configure the connection to your Asterisk server (Preferences dialog) make sure to click on the ‘Detect’ button to instruct Visual Dialplan to connect to Asterisk server and read configuration data. If successful, the confirmation message with info about Asterisk server will be presented.

Problem with connecting to my PBX using SSH – ‘Authentication failed’ message although the password is correct?

Usually this issue appears if the sshd (SSH servers at Asterisk box) is not configured to support password authentication. Some SSH servers by default does not support password authentication. Please make sure that your SSH server supports it.

In other words, check that your sshd_config file contains the following line:
PasswordAuthentication yes

If you find it *exactly* like it is written above, without ‘#’ or any other characters – you are fine. If not, do the following:
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

and then change the following line from:
# PasswordAuthentication no


PasswordAuthentication yes

And last but not least, restart the sshd:
service sshd restart

It should work now.

In case this does not resolve the issue, you may try to setup SFTP on the Asterisk server in addition to the steps above. It helped some users.

How to deploy Asterisk dialplan created with Visual Dialplan?

When you are ready to deploy the dialplan, just click on the Deploy toolbar button and Visual Dialplan will generate and upload the standard extensions.conf file to your Asterisk server.

Note that Visual Dialplan does not support Asterisk Realtime Architecture.

Can I use Visual Dialplan to create extensions, voicemail boxes etc.?

No, you can not. Visual Dialplan reads (but does not change) the Asterisk server configuration data. You can use all the configuration objects read from the Asterisk server for the purpose of the dialplan development but you can not create new configuration object.

However, Visual Dialplan supports Elastix, PBX In A Flash, trixbox and all other major Asterisk GUIs.

You are welcome to use these GUI tools to create extensions, voicemail boxes and other Asterisk server configuration objects that you may need, and then use it in Visual Dialplan.


How can I configure Visual Dialplan for use with a proxy server?

If you run Visual Dialplan on MS Windows OS please add the following lines in vdp.l4j.ini file:


Fields proxy_host and proxy_port should be replaced with your settings.

If you run Visual Dialplan on Lilnux OS please add the following line in vdp.sh file:

-Dhttp.proxyHost=proxy_host -Dhttp.proxyPort=proxy_port

And of course, replace proxy_host and proxy_port fields with your settings.

I have a problem running Visual Dialpln on Ubuntu Linux. It launches the application but the window that appear, is blank.

There is known bug in Java (Visual Dialplan is written in Java) and Ubuntu Linux and Beryl, you can find more info about it at http://bugs.sun.com.

But there is also a work around:
First start metacity with: metacity –replace
Then start Visual Dialplan.
And THEN start Beryl with: beryl –replace

I have a problem running Integration Server on Ubuntu.

This usually mean you can not access Integration Server web interface or the dial plan samples that comes with Visual Dialplan are not working properly.
In most cases this issue appears because the Integration Server is not installed as a service.

In order to install Integration Server as a service you will need to follow these steps:

1. In linux shell, go to the IS/bin directory under the directory where you installed Integration Server and run the following command:
sudo instalDeamon.sh

2. Then run this command:
service ApstelIntegrationServer start

Now you should be able to access Integration Server web interface at the following URL:

http://<local machine IP>:9111 and dial plan samples should also work correctly.

I got error message ‘Failed to read host license data’ when I tried to register the application.

This usually happens if your name server is not configured properly.

The work around is to properly set hosts on your Linux mahcine. Try with the following work around:

1. open “/etc/hosts” file

2. enter the following tree lines: localhost.localdomain localhost localhost.localdomain YourHostName
::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6

3. reset your network settings:
service network restart

Make sure to change YourHostName with appropriate host name, your host name.
The most common means to find your host name is to open up a terminal window and enter the command: hostname

I got error message ‘Deploy to the Integration Server Embedded IS failed’ when I tried to deploy the dial plan.

This usually happens if your name server is not configured properly.

The work around is to properly set hosts on your Linux machine. Try with the following work around:

1. open “/etc/hosts” file

2. enter the following tree lines: localhost.localdomain localhost localhost.localdomain YourHostName
::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6

3. reset your network settings:
service network restart

Make sure to change YourHostName with appropriate host name, your host name.
The most common means to find your host name is to open up a terminal window and enter the command: hostname

Icons display problem – I can run the program but I can not see icons correctly, there are some lines over the icons.

Visual Dialplan is written in Java and may not display icons/windows correctly if you use some of third party windows UI enhancement tools or third party themes.

If you experience corrupt UI issue we would suggest you to switch back to default windows themes and/or to turn off  UI enhancement tools you may use.

What (Authorize.net) response codes are set after the payment transaction?

At the end of the payment transaction the Integration Server (IS) sets the following variables:

  • Response Code: The overall status of the transaction (1 = Approved, 2 = Declined, 3 = Error, 4 = Held for Review)

  • Response Subcode: A code used by the payment gateway for internal transaction tracking

  • Response Reason Code: A code that represents more details about the result of the transaction. Format: Numeric

  • Response Reason Text: A brief description of the result, which corresponds with the response reason code

Error with INSERT statement using Integration Server

The most common issue with INSERT statement and Integration Server is the fact that developers are usually forgetting to add quotes to the string variable types.

For example, if you have the following two variables in your dial plan:

that correspond to two fields in tabel_abc, the following INSERT statement will not work correctly:

INSERT INTO table_abc VALUES (${var_name},${var_age});

When Asterisk replaces channel variable values this INSERT statement looks like this:

INSERT INTO table_abc VALUES (John,45);

And this will cause the error since John is not under the quotes and database engine will not match the variable type with the database field type.

The correct INSERT statement would be:

INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (‘${var_name}’,${var_age})

When Asterisk replaces channel variable values, this statement will look like this:

INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (‘John’,45)

and that will be successfully inserted into the database.

I am interested in partnering, who should I contact?

A strong component of our strategy is forging relationships with partners.

If you are interested in integrating Visual Dialplan with your Asterisk management solution/GUI, or your are interested in reselling Visual Dialplan, or you have an idea that you think would be beneficial for both, please do not hesitate to [@encode@ email=”support@apstel.com” display=”contact us”]. We would be happy to discuss it further with you.

More information about partnership opportunities can be found here:  www.apstel.com/partners/